
Showing posts from January, 2019

UiPath Code snippets

Split by line:  out_val.Split(CChar(vblf)) before text: Single text Client ID: RU90268 Account Number: 634796 Account Amount: 88917 USD After text array of 3 elements 1.Client ID: RU90268 2.Account Number: 634796 3. Account Amount: 88917 USD ------ Get Secure String for Password: New System.Net.NetworkCredential(String.Empty, <-- password variable--> ).Password ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dynamic Selectors--> UiExplore the page & then check for parent attributes to find the aaname ... <html title='*IBM Cognos Viewer' /> <webctrl tableRow='1' tag='TR' aaname='*Account Code/Desc*' /> <nav up='1'> <webctrl id='PRMT_SV_N*_NS_' tag='SELECT' /> <nav up='3'> if the parent is 3 steps above the child Add values to list using Assign activity New List(Of Integer)(new integer(){1,3,6,8}) or new

Access Transaction Item UiPath


UiPath ShortCuts

Ctrl+K for SetName for the variable Right click on the Assign activity to create a new variable Right click to select activity to set Start Activity in FlowChart Sting Escape sequence " "123" ""  Environment.newLine Add New Line idx attribute -- > Selector index in a list or parent component When waiting for an application to load, don’t add a delay to your actions - you should instead use Find Image or other similar techniques

Read Excel spreadsheet; only specific set cells

Templates to do Exception handling

Chatbot integration to kick off a robot

Orchestrator Installation

Parallel Processing

Automation Go!

Automate Robinhood login, buy and sell shares reading from spreadsheet. Automate Timesheet preparation & sending out to recipients.  set the time-in & time out everyday based on system start or login.

Access Row & Column of a DataTable VB.NET expressions UiPath